Tuesday - 02/02/2021
From October 18 to 21, 2018, Dr. Nguyen Van Thin was invited by Professor Tingbin Cao to visit and participate in the report at the Department of Mathematics, Nanchang University, Jiangxi, China
Wednesday - 16/12/2020
- Education and international experience
- The capacity of general and Vietnamese teachers of education meets the requirements of Education 4.0
- Solutions to develop the capacity of general teachers and pedagogical teachers to meet education 4.0
Tuesday - 15/12/2020
From December 11 to 13, 2020, Dr. Nguyen Van Thin, Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics was honored to participate in the 3rd young talent congress held by the Central Youth Union.
Tuesday - 25/06/2019
Based on the MOU between Feng Chia University and Thai Nguyen University of Education, the Meeting Minutes between our two universities, TNUE invited Professor Tze-jang Chen, Feng Chia University, Taiwan to visit TNUE and give lecture on Linear Algebra 2 for second year students